Wednesday, December 05, 2012

iPad Apps Teach Ancient History

I have come across some great educational apps for the iPad to complement and supplement what we are learning in ancient history this year.  Two are from the well-respected Encyclopedia Britannica developers and the other by an upcoming educational app development team, iHomeEducator.

Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome are two offerings from the Britannica Kids series of educational apps.  Both are very well done with excellent graphics and multiple activities and a intuitive user interface.  Each was well worth the $4.99 I paid for it. Click below for more information.

iHomeEducator's Ancient Timeline gives a slightly different perspective on the ancient period of history.  A staircase formation features various dates, places and artifacts with interesting facts about each.  Lots of detailed photographs round out the experience.  This is a good app for reinforcement and to allow each of my children to dig deeper to learn more about areas of specific interest.
Click below to learn more.

Happy app-schooling and remember to have fun!

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