Thursday, December 04, 2008

Advent Celebration: Handel's Messiah Video

Today, we started our devotion with the third video in this series from the Messiah by Handel. We watched only the first part today, corresponding to Isaiah 9:6. How wonderful to hear the prophecy of our Savior's birth and triumph sung so powerfully.

I took this opportunity to teach my children the power of the Scriptures, even when one hears them in a language one does not know. You may have heard reports of the amazingly emotional response of the Chinese to a large performance of Handel's Messiah earlier this year. Many were bought to Christ as a result. I recounted the story of God's transforming love through music and then had to add this sad footnote to remind us of our freedoms- Handel's Messiah is no longer allowed to be performed in the country of China. Chinese officials also noticed what happened and the growing Christian church in China is viewed as a threat to the Communist leaders.

So as we sat in our cozy home, watching our lovely Messiah video for free and with complete freedom, we were reminded that there are others not so fortunate.

Please pray for Chinese Christians. May this video inspire you.

See our prior Advent Post with Handel's Messiah video, Day 1, here.

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