Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Celebrating Gardening

With the help of a good friend from our church, the kids and I have embarked on a gardening adventure. Debbie has graciously provided us not only with weekly "gardening lessons" at her home in her greenhouse, but she has also given us seedlings, pots and other goodies to help our garden grow.

We have learned about composting, collecting rain water and recycling all kinds of items to help us in our gardening ventures. Chase has become an expert at transplanting our little seedlings and Alyssa is our faithful watering girl.

My husband got in on the act and provided us with a lovely bed after painstakingly running the Rototiller, adding peat and sifting the stones out of our little plot.

We are planting corn, tomatoes, onions, brussel sprouts, watermelon, and potatoes.

We are also starting some herbs: chives, garlic chives, oregano and cilantro.

I am so excited for what the Lord is doing in our lives and in our little garden! I thank the Lord for all of his many blessings on our family.

1 comment:

April said...

It always tastes better when you do it yourself...