Friday, November 21, 2008

Homeschool Kids Rock!

We had our Deuteronomy 6 Homeschool Co-op Achievement Night was last night and the children showed the audience their many talents. I was so very proud of all the children and their parents.

Some of the highlights of the night included piano solo performances, an interpretive dance piece (my daughter especially loved that one), a robotics demonstration (my son especially liked that) and the singing of "Jesus Loves Me" in Chinese.

I could not help but think of criticisms of homeschoolers being "too sheltered" as I watched these incredibly talented and well-rounded young people show the audience the fruits of homeschooling.

Congratulations on a job well done!

1 comment:

jolincountry said...

Hi, my name is Deanna. I just happened upon your site today. I thought I'd comment and let you know that I posted (on my blog) about our Co-op Achievement Night as well. Ours sounds very similar to yours.
I totally agree that homeschooled children can be very talented and not over sheltered.