Sunday, December 16, 2012

Learn Basic Programming for KIds-Curriculum

 I have found just a few publishers who are offering coding curriculum for parents who would like their children to learn programming at home.  These courses are not free but may be a good fit for your child.

Two of the offerings are through the Homeschool Buyers Co-op right now at a significant cost savings. See them below:

  • The Teen Coder Series published by well-known homeschool publishers, Sonlight, is available for games, Android, Java or as a bundle.  It can be purchased as an automatic download or a print version sent to your home by mail.  Teen Coder is currently available at 40% off regular price through the Homeschool Buyers Co-op for a price of $45.00 each.  This is a great deal that we hope to take advantage soon.
Teen Coder Series Java

  • Game Design 1 is an online game design course for Windows machines only. Parents pay for a 1-year subscription for 1 student, normally $199.99 but only $129.99  through the Homeschool Buyers Co-op.
Game Design ! online course

Happy Programming!

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