Friday, December 19, 2008

ABeka Homeschool Sale

Great news for families who want to save money and provide their children with comprehensive Christian homeschooling aided by DVD learning!

I received the following e-mail notification from ABeka Academy:
A Beka Academy announces a special offer to help meet your home-schooling needs!  We're offering your family (for a limited time, January 2—31), the low starting price of $625 for grades K4—6 and $700 for grades 7—12.  This allows you to enroll your child in A Beka Academy in time for the spring semester. 
Included are all DVDs and the A Beka Book materials needed to complete the second half of the school year.  You may be eligible for credit if you purchased books this school year from A Beka Book, Inc.
A Beka has a very strong reputation for excellence among many veteran homeschoolers that I respect. I have and continue to use ABeka readers as supplements for our curriculum.  I wish I had used Abeka to teach my son because I feel his handwriting would have benfitted from learning cursive earlier.  Overall, ABeka is a great homeschool resource.  C

Check out their website for more information about Abeka Academy.

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