Monday, April 18, 2005

Schools Fail Miserably Teaching Reading

"The number of poor readers in the nation’s schools is staggering: According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 8.7 million fourth- through 12th-graders read below grade level. Eighth-graders don’t fare well either. Close to 70 percent read below the proficient level, and 25 percent fail to read at the most basic level." This is part of an article by Susan Black.

These numbers lead me to scratch my head in amazement. It seems that so many are focused on fighting any reforms suggested by anyone else that they fail to address the enormity of the problems in today's schools. So many politicians do not like No Child Left Behind, they oppose vouchers and they do not support homeschooling. I am still trying to figure out exactly what these guys want and how much longer we have to continue to pretend our nation's children are learning in failing schools.

Very sad indeed.

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